Embrace boredom to boost your productivity and creativity

When you feel bored, what do you do ? Reach for your phone ? Read a book ? Find something entertaining to do ?
Most of the time we don’t let ourselves be bored, we often feel like we must do something, we don’t let our mind wander and brain rest for more than a few seconds.

It’s actually not your fault since everything is made to combat boredom: social media, youtube, netflix etc
Doing nothing and having nothing to do is seen as being lazy. And before we realize it, boredom = laziness is incrave deep inside us. 

This behavior of always doing something can lead to exhaustion and stop us from actually being productive and creative.
A few years ago, my photography professor said “learn how to be bored” back then I didn’t understand what he meant by that.
Today I do, so let’s explore why boredom is not a bad thing and can actually be essential for productivity and creativity.

Benefits of boredom

Boredom has many benefits, in this post we will see 5 of them

1. Increase creativity

Boredom can increase creativity, indeed, by allowing the mind to wander and daydream you’re letting your imagination take control and most of the time that’s when individuals have their best creative ideas.

2. Improve mental health

Our brains are overloaded with distractions and non-stop information from TV, social media etc. Boredom and letting your brain and body relax help reduce stress, anxiety which will make you feel better and improve your mental health.

3. Boost productivity

Contrary to what people think, boredom has the power to boost your productivity. Giving your brain a break from distraction can help you focus and do more in less time.

4. Promotes mindfulness and well-being

When you are not doing anything, and stay away from stimuli, boredom can offer you an opportunity to live in the moment, reflect on yourself, meditate. Boredom promotes self-awareness and helps you experience and enjoy the art of mindfulness.

5. Motivates new goals and exploration

When you are not constantly distracted and busy, being bored can motivate you to try out a new hobby, to explore new things that can get you closer to your goals or even strike for new life goal that are more align with yourself and your true desire

In conclusion, boredom is not your enemy. Being bored is actually essential for your journey on self-development and personal growth.

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